Challenge 1
Create a dance to one of these French songs found on YOUTUBE. E-mail me a video if you'd like to share.
1. Je suis un pizza - Charlotte Diamond
2. BABELZONE - La chanson des squelettes
3. C'est la vie- Khaled
4. Free choice- Choose your own school appropriate FRENCH song!
Challenge 3
Your task is to research a French food (crepes, macaroons, escargot, croissant, etc) and create a poster to advertise that item! Keep an eye out, Mlle Daley created a baking video that will be shared soon!
Challenge 4
It's teaching appreciation week! Your challenge this week is to e-mail one of your teachers and tell them something you appreciate about them! This could be any of your teachers such as your homeroom teacher, your principal, phys. ed, etc. Your teacher's e-mail can be located on the school website.
Challenge 2
Let's get counting! Use a creative way to count as high as you can in French. Use paint, chalk, play a game, count out the time it takes you to wash your hands, etc. Mlle Daley played snakes and ladders!!
Challenge 5
Former Halifax hurricane and current St John's Edge basketball player, Tyrone Watson learned some French just for you! Listen to his message. Who can translate what he's saying?